Local filter rules assist in identifying and/or excluding new listing records based on your unique criteria. This is useful because the ways in which sellers create and describe listings can widely vary to the point where making initial search criteria impossible to set criteria that might filter out items you might buy. While leaving search parameters too generic might being back too many irrelevant results that obscure and distract from listings that fit your buying criteria. Every buyers specific business needs along with product type vary so there is no set way of implementing filters. In this tutorial we’ll give various examples of when and how to use filter criteria to generate beneficial ideas of where you can apply them to your buying platform.
Remove Listings
- Best Match – eBay’s best match algorithm does a fairly good job at suggesting relevant items. However, sometimes they may suggest items that aren’t specific to your exact search query. Example: Searching for “iPhone 5” eBay might throw in a small number of results for iPhone 5s to try and up sell the buyer thinking that in some cases, the buyer is simply looking for a A) a phone and B) and iPhone. In other cases, the seller might not have included enough information in the title, description, catalog ID and item specifics where eBay can make an exact match or where the seller has used keyword spamming in the title to drive more traffic to their listing.

Other Examples of Filter Rules
Below image showing rule if eBay item condition field is for parts or not working to highlight the cell RED. Also duplicated this filter rule to highlight green if not for parts.

- Ensure each is selected.
- Uncheck to temporarily disable filter rule

Best Practices
- Use filter rules to help identify purchasing logic that either qualifies, disqualifies or flags for further review.
- Keep it simple to start with. If using REMOVE function, ensure many search results are loaded up and toggle between activating and disabling the filter rule to ensure filter rules aren’t removing listings that are within your purchasing criteria.
- Create rules after allowing many listings to appear and recognizing repetitive purchasing logic that you use.
- Visual (color) recognition allows you to scan listing data faster than reading text only content allowing you to make faster, more accurate purchasing decisions and win more items!
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