Adding Item Specifics #
Adding Item Specifics can help you include critical information about your products that are necessary to making an accurate purchasing decision.
In order to see item specific you’ll want to first indicate which of these fields you’ll want to see. Ex: If I’m searching for phones, I might want to see “CARRIER” and “GB Size” item specifics.
If you don’t wish to see item specifics in the results you can skip this section.
- Enter in the eBay category ID number and eBay country site.
- Select item specifics for the provided category.
- Click “CREATE COLUMNS” and fields will be added
- To delete column select the field in the bottom window and click REMOVE.
Adding Fields to Search Results #
Right click on any field in the column header on the RESULTS panel.
- Column will show up in this list if it’s not currently present on the search results grid.
Rearrange Field in Search Results Panel #
To add the column, click and hold the field and drag it to the top of search results grid where the other columns are present and release the mouse button.
Delete Field #
- Right click on any column header in the search results grid then click HIDE THIS COLUMN
- Otherwise delete from GRID > CUSTOM COLUMNS
Save and Reset Fields #
- Fields in the RESULTS panel are saved to your workspace. Make sure to save your workspace when finished modifying.
- Go back to stock fields by right clicking any column header field and click “RESET LAYOUT”
Local filter rules assist in identifying and/or excluding new listing records based on your unique criteria. This is useful because the ways in which sellers create and describe listings can widely vary to the point where making initial search criteria impossible to set criteria that might filter out items you might buy. While leaving search parameters too generic might being back too many irrelevant results that obscure and distract from listings that fit your buying criteria. Every buyers specific business needs along with product type vary so there is no set way of implementing filters. In this tutorial we’ll give various examples of when and how to use filter criteria to generate beneficial ideas of where you can apply them to your buying platform.
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