You may search all items from specific sellers, specific items, block sellers from specific search terms and globally block sellers across all your search terms.
Search everything from a specific seller #
To only search items by a specific seller.
- Go to Keyword (eBay Searches) panel. (Home > Keywords)
- Locate “Sellers” and “Seller Type” column headers
- Seller Type = Include
- Sellers = seller users names, separated by “,” for up to 10 sellers.
- You still need to enter in keywords for a specific seller
If a seller has items in many categories, pick keywords across their listings that will match all items. Ex: If a seller is selling cell phones, enter “apple,iphone,samsung,galaxy” etc. as keywords.
If you don’t see these fields in keyword columns, right click the column header > choose column band chooser and select/drag in “Sellers” & “Seller Type” into the keyword column header where you wish.
Search Specific Items from Specific Sellers #
Same as above just enter in keywords to match specific listings.
Ensure all other settings are correct. Example: Searching all of a sellers items in one category might not yield all the results you’re looking for.
Exclude Specific Sellers #
On the keyword level
- Seller Type = Excluse
- Sellers = seller names separated by “,”. Example “seller1,seller2,seller3”
You can remove up to 10 sellers by entering in sellers names, separate by “,” in the “sellers”
Why use this function instead of Global Block? – These sellers are removed on the search level where global block spends your PC resources finding all items including those sellers and removing them before they show in your results. It’s best to use the keyword level from the top 10 sellers that post the most items.
Exclude via Filter Rules #
If you exceed 10 sellers you can use the more advanced filter rules to remove unlimited amounts of sellers. Filters might be best used for highlighting specific sellers you want to identify and see their results and the global block function is the replacement to remove sellers across the board.
Global Block Sellers #
Block sellers more easily across all search terms.
Best used when you want to remove sellers items across all your search terms.
Remove on the go #
Right click a listing in the results view > ignore seller

Bulk Import / Edit / View Block List #
From the main menu ribbon > Grid > Blocked Sellers

Copy/Paste or type in sellers to block, sort alphabetically

When finished Editing, click SAVE
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